Creating a Family Routine + Printable Checklist

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Create a happier home with less stress by implementing a morning, afternoon, and evening routine. Download our Family Routine printables to make the process even easier!

framed printable routine checklist

Daily Routines

A structured family routine can transform chaotic days into manageable ones. Being consistent ensures everyone knows what to expect, and it helps the day flow seamlessly.

Here’s a simple guide to setting up effective routines for your family.

alarm clock next to a bed

Morning Routine

1. Wake-Up Call

  • Consistent Wake-Up Time: Set a wake-up time that allows everyone to get ready without rushing.
  • Gentle Alarms: Use soothing alarms or wake-up lights to start the day calmly.

2. Healthy Breakfast

Keep it simple, but make it filling! Here are a few favorite ideas –

3. Morning Hygiene

  • Brush Teeth: Teach kids to brush their teeth and shower or wash their face.
  • Clean Clothes: Have kids change into clean clothes and undergarments first thing.

4. Helpful Tips

  • No Screens: Nothing is more distracting than TV and video games. There have been plenty of times I’ve thought my kids were busy getting dressed, only to find them staring at the TV like zombies with one sock on. We made a rule that the TV is not allowed on UNLESS everyone is ready from head to toe.
  • Have Fun: If your kids are feeling a bit more sluggish than normal, implement a game or a challenge that will keep them moving. I’ll set a timer for 3 minutes and say, “Whoever can get dressed before the timer goes off gets a special after school snack!” It is amazing what a little competition and encouragement can do! Joke and riddles also work well in keeping the mood upbeat and happy. Write a daily joke or riddle on a white board for some extra smiles or laughs. Let older kids write an encouraging message to younger siblings each day for some additional positivity.
  • Play Music: Music is a great way to set the entire mood of a home! Play something fun and upbeat to keep the energy high and smiles on everyones face. Music will make you feel good, or it will help drown out the fighting and teasing at the breakfast table. Either way, you win!

5. Final Check

  • School Bags Ready: Ensure all school bags are packed with homework, lunch, and necessary supplies.
  • Quick Tidy-Up: Do a quick tidy-up of the kitchen and common areas.

6. Leave On Time

  • Set Departure Time: Aim to leave the house 10-15 minutes earlier to avoid last-minute rushes.
  • Goodbye Ritual: Establish a positive goodbye ritual, like a hug or encouraging words.
backpack hanging on a rack

After-School Routine

1. Home Arrival

  • Unpack Bags: Have kids unpack their school bags immediately, placing homework and notices in a designated spot.
  • Snack Time: Offer a healthy snack option to recharge their energy.

2. Homework and Study Time

  • Dedicated Space: Create a quiet, well-lit homework station free from distractions.
  • Set a Timer: Use a timer to help kids focus for set periods, with short breaks in between.

3. Play and Relaxation

  • Free Play: Allow time for unstructured play or outdoor activities to let kids unwind.
  • Screen Time Limits: Set clear limits on screen time to ensure a balance of activities.

4. Chore Time

  • Age-Appropriate Chores: Assign simple chores, like setting the table or tidying their room, to instill responsibility.
  • Reward System: Use a reward system, like stickers or extra playtime, to motivate them.
childs bed with toys

Nighttime Routine

1. Dinner Time

  • Family Meals: Aim to have dinner together to strengthen family bonds and discuss the day.
  • Healthy Choices: Serve balanced meals, limiting fast food as much as possible.

2. Evening Hygiene

  • Bath Time: Set a regular bath or shower time to help kids wind down.
  • Brush Teeth and Hair: Make brushing teeth and hair part of the nightly routine.

3. Reflect and Plan

  • Discuss the Day: Spend a few minutes talking about the highlights and challenges of the day.
  • Plan for Tomorrow: Lay out clothes, pack school bags, and prepare lunches for the next day. If you dread the daily chore of making school lunches, try some of these make-ahead lunch ideas. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches freeze really well, so I’ll often make an entire loaf of bread worth of sandwiches in one night and stick them all in the freezer.
  • 10-Minute Tidy: Get everyone involved in doing a quick sweep of the house to make everything tidy. Mornings are bound to be crazier if you wake up to a disorderly house. Get the toys off the floor, put dirty laundry in the laundry room, wipe down your counter and make the house look nice. I also like to empty the dishwasher so our breakfast dishes can go directly into the dishwasher when we are done eating.

4. Quiet Time

  • Story Time: Read a bedtime story or have quiet reading time to relax the mind.
  • No Screens: Avoid screen time at least an hour before bed to ensure better sleep.

5. Bedtime

  • Consistent Bedtime: Establish a consistent bedtime that allows for sufficient sleep.
  • Comfortable Sleep Environment: Ensure the bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet.
bathroom toiletries on the counter

Tips for Successful Implementation

  • Be Consistent: Stick to the routines as closely as possible to build habits.
  • Involve the Kids: Let kids participate in creating the routines to give them a sense of ownership.
  • Stay Flexible: Be open to adjusting routines as needed to fit your family’s changing needs.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Use praise and rewards to encourage adherence to the routines.
2 framed routine checklists for kids

Family Routine Printables

Enter your name and email address for immediate access to these printable checklists.

A good day starts with an organized home and a familiar routine! When kids can’t find their clothes, when breakfast is rushed and bedtime is sporadic, life can be negatively impacted. We hope these routine tips will help make your days easier and more positive! Good luck!

Long image of a framed routine printable

One Comment

  1. I still am not a morning person and neither are my girls which makes it difficult for us to get started. Unfortunately, my oldest daughter is in nursing school and has to be up some days at 4:30 a.m., others 6:00 a.m. She looks forward to Saturday so she can sleep in. Since I homeschool, my other daughter (a senior) and I don’t start our day until 8:30 a.m. which makes life nice.

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